REGISTRATION – Armenian Catholics who live within our parish boundaries (PA, NJ & DE) should be registered with St. Marks. We ask you to register and participate fully in our Parish Life. Please pick up the registration forms from the parish office. Those moving should inform the office as soon as possible.
BAPTISM - Arrangements must be made in advance with the Church office. One of the Godparents must be a practicing Catholic, age 16 or older, and must present a Sponsor Certificate if from another parish.
MATRIMONY - Couples must contact the Church office before any other arrangements are made and at least six months before the wedding.
COMMUNION CALLS - We will gladly bring Communion to any parishioners who cannot attend Badarak because of age, sickness or disability. Please call the Church Office.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK – Emergency calls will be taken any time and at all hours. Please notify Father Asadur immediately of any serious illness. Upon admission to the hospital, please be sure you are identified on hospital records as a Catholic. The hospitals will not notify us when a parishioner has been admitted to the hospital, so it is imperative that the immediate family accept this responsibility. To be most effective and beneficial, the Anointing of the Sick should be received while the patient is sill alert and conscious.
ST. MARKS – As an Armenian Catholic Parish, we are under the jurisdiction of the Eparchy of Our Lady of Nareg for Armenian Catholics headed by His Excellency, Mikael Mouradian and in union with the Catholic Church with Pope Francis as the Supreme Pontiff.
HOLY COMMUNION – The conditions for receiving Holy Communion are (1) the state of grace (freedom from mortal sin), (2) the right intention (not out of routine or human respect but for the purpose of pleasing God, and (3) observance of the Communion fast. Except for the sick this fast means that you must not eat or drink anything (other than water) one hour before receiving Communion. Communion is always received on the tongue at St. Marks
PARISH COUNCIL – Meets on the second Tuesday of every month in the conference room at 7:30 P.M. All parishioners are welcome to attend and participate in the meeting. Please see Blanche Aboyan, for further information.
CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS – For information on the Women’s Guild, please see Patty Tootelian. For information on the Men’s Club, please see George Yacoubian. Members of the parish are welcome to attend the meetings of these organizations.
ALTAR SERVERS – All children are welcome to serve on the Altar. We ask that you arrive for Badarak by 10:20 A.M.
CHOIR – Is open to all. The only requirements being that you can carry a tune, take directions and arrive for Badarak on time. The music is in both Armenian and English characters. Please see a choir member for further information.
YOUTH PROTECTION—We have to be very transparent in our willingness to assist anyone who may have cause to come forward and relay their concerns on the issue of sexual assault, not only in the church but in our community as well. If you have knowledge of any assault, you may contact our parish Safe Environment Coordinator Patrick Dempsey (610-864-2668), as well as your local authorities.